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secure your home

Useful Tips to Secure your home when you are...

March 24, 2019
Here are some helpful tips on how to secure your home while you are away. Burglers are always looking for valuable ...
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why flat roofs

The Benefits of Flat Roofing

March 11, 2019
Flat roofs are very popular amongst homes owners and commercial businesses. Many homeowners are increasingly drawn ...
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My Condo Neighbor is a Smoker

My Condo Neighbor is a Smoker, What Can I Do...

February 26, 2019
The smell of cigarette or marijuana smoke in a condo is an unpleasant, but all too familiar scent for many homeowne ...
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Bathroom Reno

DIY VS. Pro: Typical Costs of A Bathroom Ren...

November 16, 2018
Everyone has their own vision of a dream bathroom: big Jacuzzi tub, double vanities, shower big enough for… a karao ...
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Why live in Toronto

Why Live in Toronto

May 27, 2014
Toronto is one of the best cities in the world to live in. Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the fourth mos ...
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