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Why living in Toronto is a Good Decision?

Posted by HP on September 28, 2019

The time to move has come around again. For whatever reason, the current home just doesn’t fit anymore. Maybe it’s too big, now that the kids are gone. Or, maybe it’s too small with the expected arrival of yet another little one. Maybe in these tough economic times, the job you thought would last until retirement has disappeared and there is no reason to stay in the area anymore. Possibly, you’re not happy with school system or the health care system. Or maybe it’s just the desire to try something new and different.

Whatever the reason, many people have begun to look northward, into Canada, for their answers to bigger, better or more secure homes and Toronto is the destination. Why Toronto? What is it about Toronto real estate that people find so attractive these days?

Why Toronto

Toronto is the fifth largest city in all of North America, yet with a population of 5 million, it can seem vastly under-populated and spread out according to American standards. The city has the largest subway system on the North American Contained outside of Manhattan. So, if you plan carefully, it might not matter which neighborhood you choose to live in. If the subway goes through, and it probably does, then you almost certainly guarantee yourself an effortless commute to work.

Toronto has always been a popular city, but has recently seen an increase in its population and opportunity for real estate investment. The city is young by historical and cultural standards, but now one of the fastest growing cities in North America. The city has all its real estate ingredients making it a popular destination for real estate investors from all over the world. Other factors, which makes the city a lucrative destination is its natural beauty with abundant natural resources, natural green environment and low rate of crime. Added to these amenities, the residents of Toronto enjoy sports, recreation, arts, culture and financial opportunities.  

Over all, living in Toronto would not be a great change from living farther south in America. The populations are similar. English is spoken in both. However, many Canadians speak French as well. Sports aficionados will find plenty to cheer about in Toronto, with baseball, football, hockey with access to the basketball, they desire. The cost of living is also similar with America’s cost of living being only slightly higher. The USA spends more money on education, but the schools are comparable and literacy rates are the same within Canada as they are in the states. One of the few differences would be holidays. Independence days and a couple of other holidays are celebrated on different dates.

Buying a Condo is one of the biggest investment decision one makes in his or her life. The most common mistake that potential immigrants to Toronto make is to look for real state in advance, even before their arrival in Toronto. Without knowing the specifics of the city and the specifics of the Canadian real estate market, finding a good house is simply impossible. The real estate market in Toronto has its own specifics.  The situation in Toronto is quite different. There is clear graduation of premium and not so good areas, some neighborhoods are more prestigious than the others.  

Get a Pre Construction Condo

If you’re interested in purchasing a Condo, go for a pre-construction condo. Get help from a qualified Pre-Construction Condos Expert who can not only guide you through various processes of Condo buying but also offer you VIP pricings on major Condo investment projects. Getting a preconstruction Condo will help you plan your resources well. Home appreciation and returns are much higher for new buildings. Moreover, you get the luxury of owning a newly-built condominium suite with new appliances, new amenities and new finishes.

In Toronto there are several factors that you need to consider when looking for a property. Toronto is a very big city and is like a multi layered quilt consisting of hundreds of relatively large neighborhoods. The value of each neighbourhood is determined by such parameters as proximity to a particular centre , convenience of public transportation, Proximity to major highways, the median income of families, ethnic composition of the population, quality of education institutes and more. Before making a purchase decision you need to make sure you are clearly well versed and acquainted with the area . If you are a professional working in and around the downtown area, you either need a condo close to downtown Toronto or need to choose a suburb or a neighborhood which is easily accessible via TTC or go transit. if you have school going kids, you need to research some good rated schools suitable for your kids. The vicinity to such schools can also be major factor in choosing the appropriate House for you.  A small investment of time and effort in the beginning of your search can really pay off. Take the time to think seriously about what sort of home you want before you start looking. It will help you avoid confusion and distractions, but at the same time try to keep an open mind.

The best way to find that right property is to create a working relationship with a Realtor who acts as your Buyer Representative and legally represents your best interest.

In addition to deciding on which neighborhood you’d consider, you should think about what your need in a property versus what you’d like to have. Toronto is definitely your perfect destination to a good home for you and your family.

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